What is Pranacea?

An amalgamation of prana (life force) and panacea (remedy for difficulties, disease). Pranacea is a platform of expression for all the components that bring your body mind and soul into balance. There are wholesome recipes to nourish the body, holistic lifestyle tips and musings to help you thrive not just survive and there is a section on breathwork and movement to further nourish the body, mind and soul. Pranacea is a labour of love and culmination of years of personal experience, it is meant to be a place of sanctuary and simplicity where you can find peace of mind from the constant barrage of everyday stress. If you can leave feeling a little bit lighter in your heart and mind then that is cause for positive acknowledgement and celebration. It is my hope that you find a little pocket of peace to take with you back into your daily life that makes a positive impact.

About Me

Hello my name is Eme Ross founder of Pranacea. In a previous life I was an aspiring chemistry, microbiology and pharmacy graduate. In this life I’m more of a natural and holistic lifestyle specialist, certified yoga teacher RYT, herbal medicine practitioner, slow living advocate, intuitive wellness coach and most importantly a mother. I’m based in the UK for now, I love a green smoothie, experiencing different cultures through travel (as a nomadic “Third culture kid” myself!) and a satisfying yoga session on my trusty yoga mat. My experiences have taught me and I believe that you cannot pour from an empty cup. In other words you cannot give your best self to others if you haven’t been replenished in mind body and spirit yourself. Especially in todays world where we feel pulled in so many different directions, it is important to prioritise our “wholeness” so that we can give from a place of abundance, joy and love. If any of this resonates with you do stick around or feel free to get in touch, let’s talk!


Eme x

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