The Simplest Breath Technique To Help With Anxiety.

Yoga breathing

There are times in life when we hit panic stations when everything seems like it is spiralling out of control and we just need everything to stop for a moment so that we can catch our breath and catch up with our emotions. In these moments, it is great to have some tools on hand that can quickly and efficiently bring our awareness back into the now.

One such tool to have is a breathing technique known as square or box breathing. What is square / box breathing and why should you have this invaluable technique in your arsenal? I will go into a bit more detail below.

The Why

Why square / box breathing? well it is a simple and effective way to bring anxious thoughts under control, to become centred and restore calm as well as giving us mental clarity in the moment. This breathing technique is so convenient to do and can be done whenever and wherever you need it without drawing attention to yourself.

The How

How does this breathing technique work? by helping to reduce blood pressure and heart rate which in turn makes you feel more calm and relaxed. It also helps you to focus on the breath and counting which helps to bring your attention to the present moment.

and breathe

The Technique

When feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, try to practice square / box breathing. Inhale slowly to the count of four, hold for the count of four, Exhale slowly to the count of four, hold for the count of four. Try this technique for about two minutes with pauses between cycles and notice if you feel a little bit calmer.

Use the new found calmness of mind to redirect your thoughts and become aware of the present moment. From here you will be able to figure out what your next plan of action may be. Hopefully in time and with practice this technique will be helpful in reducing anxiety long term.

Eme x


Simple And Grounding Breath Practice.