Matcha Latte: A Quick & Simple How To

Matcha latte

One of my favourite beverages to consume especially now as the weather is practically baltic in the UK right now is a hot steaming mug of matcha latte with a plant based milk preferably. Before I go into the how to of how to make a quick and satisfying cup of matcha, lets take a look at what matcha is and some of the benefits of drinking it and incorporating it into our daily routine.

Discover the Bountiful Benefits of Matcha Tea
Unleash the power of Japan's treasured elixir – Matcha tea! Embark on a journey to a world that blends ancient wisdom with modern wellness.
Derived from specially-grown green tea leaves, Matcha tea presents an array of health benefits that captivate both the body and mind. Packed with potent antioxidants, this vibrant emerald elixir nourishes your system, providing a natural boost of energy without the jitters.
As you sip on a steaming cup of Matcha, embrace the heightened state of mental clarity and focus it imparts. Feel your stress levels melt away, replaced by a serene sense of calmness. With its unique combination of L-theanine and caffeine, Matcha offers a sustained energy release that lasts, allowing you to conquer each day with renewed vigour.
Discover Matcha's secret weapon—the catechins! These powerful antioxidants fortify your immune system, warding off illness and protecting your body from harmful free radicals. Experience the invigorating zest that accompanies a strengthened immune response, empowering you to embrace life's adventures fully.
Step into the world of Matcha tea and unlock the potential for improved digestion and a balanced metabolism. This marvel of nature gently aids in detoxification, helping your body rid itself of toxins. As a result, witness your gut health flourish as your digestion becomes smoother, promoting overall vitality and enhancing your body's natural rhythms.
Indulge in the exquisite aroma and delightful flavour of Matcha tea, as it awakens your taste buds with its earthy notes. Savoured in traditional tea ceremonies for centuries, this vibrant elixir brings a moment of sacred tranquility to your everyday life.
Immerse yourself in the many dimensions of wellness with Matcha tea—a testament to the harmony between nature and the human body. Savour its benefits, sip by sip as you embrace a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Below I have outlined a quick and simple method of how I make matcha tea in a pinch although it is not quite the traditional way, it is useful when you want to make a cup quickly.

matcha teaspoon


To make your quick cup you will need;

1/2 to 1 tsp of ceremonial matcha powder

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 Cup of boiling water

1/4 cup plant based milk /mylk

1 tsp syrup of choice or coconut sugar / nectar to sweeten (optional)


In a cup add your matcha powder and about a 1/4 cup of boiling water

Add your sweetener of choice, I used some caramel syrup

Whisk your resulting mix with a mini frother ( I used a battery powered mini whisk / frother )

Add some more boiling water and top up with some plant milk ( can also be frothed up and warmed )

Sprinkle some ground cinnamon on top

Enjoy your lovely hot steaming mug of calming matcha!

Eme x


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