Anatomy Of A Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Heavy metal detox smoothie

What is a heavy metal detox smoothie?, why and how you should you make one and what are the benefits associated with consuming said smoothie on a regular basis? These are the questions that I will attempt to answer in this post as much as I can.

The accumulation of toxins can have severe health repercussions. Heavy metals can disrupt vital bodily functions, impair neurological development, hinder the immune system, and damage various organs, including the heart, liver, and kidneys. They have been linked to conditions such as chronic fatigue, memory issues, reproductive problems, and even cancer. By detoxing heavy metals, we aim to eliminate or reduce these harmful substances from our bodies, potentially mitigating the negative health outcomes associated with their accumulation.

Containing the perfect combination of organic greens, antioxidant-rich fruits, and detoxifying herbs, every sip of this invigorating heavy metal detox smoothie (HMDS) works towards removing harmful toxins that can accumulate in your body over time. Each ingredient is carefully selected for its unique properties, such as atlantic dulse, cilantro, and spirulina, known for their ability to bind heavy metals and safely flush them out of your system.

Although there are many different versions of this smoothie, The official heavy metal detox smoothie recipe we’re looking at today originates from The Medical Medium Anthony William the same originator of celery juice for healing and cleansing the body.

So now that we know the what and the why, the next thing is to look at how we can make a heavy metal detox smoothie that truly brings together all the powerful healing nutrients of the different components to bind to the unwanted heavy metals in our body and aid in flushing them out. Below are the ingredients needed to make this smoothie;


2 Bananas fresh or frozen

2 Cups frozen Wild blueberries or 1 cup wild blueberry powder (It is important that wild blueberries are used and not the larger cultivated kind)

1 Cup cilantro (coriander if you’re in the UK)

1 Cup orange juice

1 tsp barley grass juice powder

1 handful of Atlantic dulse

1 Cup orange juice

1 tsp spirulina

Water / Coconut water / fresh orange juice to blend (this is an optional step)


Combine all the ingredients into a high speed blender

Blend until a smooth consistency is achieved

Transfer the resulting smoothie into a glass of choice and enjoy!

Ideally you want to be drinking this smoothie daily after detoxing with celery juice on an empty stomach which I have previously posted about. A heavy metal detox can offer numerous benefits to those who undergo the process. Firstly, it helps to eliminate harmful toxins such as lead, mercury, and cadmium from the body, which can otherwise accumulate and cause a range of health issues. By reducing heavy metal burden, detoxification supports liver health and strengthens the immune system.

Eme x


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