Making Celery Juice A Habit.

Celery juice for two

I’m sure that somewhere or other you have heard of someone making celery juice a habit of theirs to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The idea is by no means new at this point and originated from the Medical Medium Anthony William. Having looked into the benefits of drinking celery juice and incorporating it into my daily wellness regime, I have decided that it is a healthy habit that I will happily add to my life. Let’s look at some of the benefits of adding celery juice to your daily regimen.

Celery in itself contains some important nutrients that are also present in its pure unadulterated juice form. These include vitamins A , K, beta carotene, magnesium and potassium to name but a few. The benefits are many and include;

Fighting infection

Reducing inflammation

Correcting bloating and digestive issues

Supports weight loss

Helps with insomnia

Improves energy

.Balances hormones .

Decreases Joint and muscle pains

Helps promote healthy skin (think acne, psoriasis & eczema)

And these are just some of the listed benefits of celery juice as you can see it is quite a lengthy list. It isn’t a bad habit to form especially with those benefits and I am all for adding more fruits and veggies into the mix wherever possible, if it helps alleviate some symptoms then it is a big win in my book!

How to consume celery juice to make the most of its benefits? Well it is pretty simple and straightforward

Celery juice


. Ensure that you are consuming your 16.Oz of freshly made celery juice on an empty stomach ideally first thing in the morning

. Make sure you rinse your celery stalks thoroughly, better still you can use a vegetable rinse to make sure you get rid of any debris or pesticide residue. Alternatively organic produce is the best option if you can afford it

. Run your celery through a juicer, the best one to use is a slow masticating juicer which will ensure that all the nutrients are kept intact

. Wait for at least 15 to 30 minutes before consuming anything else

It is definitely an acquired taste and can take some time to get used to for some, personally I don’t mind the taste especially with the bonus of all the added benefits. So I am happy to say that I am definitely making celery juice a habit for now. Are you intrigued enough to try it out yourself?

Eme x


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