5 Ingredient Easy Warm Chia Pudding

With the temperature dropping even further and the still dark mornings becoming a constant, I can’t help but reach for a bowl of something warm to provide that internal heat that we need in these times. Now I don’t know about you, but I love a quick no fuss breakfast to start the day. I do like chia puddings but I am not a fan of cold gloopy concoctions when the temperature is already chilly outside.

I had the thought to take a chia pudding and warm it up, so basically a warm version of a chia pudding to see if it would be more palatable this time of year. I have to say that my experiment was a huge success and the resulting pudding went down a treat as well as warmed me up for the day ahead. The thing that really did it for me is that this breakfast option is so simple and quick to put together and also means I can have my fave chia puddings in winter too. Being grain free, organic and full of healthy proteins is a win in my book and is a sure way to get that healthy start to the day that keeps you going till lunch.

Below is the method and ingredients I used:


1 cup Non dairy milk of choice (I used oat milk)

2 Tbsps Organic chia seeds

1 tsp Maple syrup

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 Cup fresh blueberries

1 Tbsp nut butter of choice (optional)


Add the non dairy milk to a small saucepan on medium heat

Add in the 2 Tbsps of Chia seeds and stir slowly

Add in your flavours, the ground cinnamon and maple syrup

Continue to stir until the resulting mixture is thick and warm

Remove from heat and transfer the pudding to a bowl

Top with some fresh blueberries and drizzled nut butter of choice (I used cashew butter)

Tuck in and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this recipe and resulting chia pudding, please come back and let me know how you enjoyed it.

Eme x


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