Healing Vanilla Rose Latte

Vanilla rose latte

There’s a definite chill in the air now that autumn is here and more often than not I find myself reaching for a hot drink to warm up my body and soul! There are so many lovely, delicious and healthy choices out there and also so many recipes to try out. A quick look into my cupboards and I come across a jar of Anima Mundi herbals rose powder which is 100 percent organic and made from powdered rose petals. It is decided, I am going to make a healing vanilla rose latte to drink and warm the depths of my soul!

Doing some research into rose petals and its benefits, it is said that it has been used for centuries various healing modalities like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine for healing, this is due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of roses. According to the Anima Mundi website some of the key benefits of their rose powder include; reducing skin inflammation, supporting the cardiovascular system, may support blood purification and is hormone balancing to name just a few.

I am sold and it’s time to crack open this jar and whip up a tasty healing rose latte. The ingredients and recipe are listed below.


  • 1 cup plant based milk (I used oat milk)

  • 1 teaspoon rose powder

  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup / coconut sugar or sweetener of choice

  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1 teaspoon coconut cream powder

  • Edible rose petals


  • Mix the dry ingredients together in a mug.

  • Add in the vanilla extract.

  • Heat the plant based milk in a small saucepan or milk frother if you have one.

  • Add the warmed milk to the dry ingredients.

  • Add in your liquid maple syrup if you have opted for this sweetener

  • Whisk with a hand held milk frother if you have not already made the milk in one until you achieve a nice foam.

  • Sprinkle some edible rose petals on top to garnish

  • Enjoy your aromatic and healing cup of warm healing vanilla rose latte!

    I hope that this recipe brings you as much healing and warmth as it brought me.

Eme x


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